
Musings: Empty Nester Regrets

At a ladies lunch this summer, the hostess decided to play a game. We have always played many games during parties, be it antaakshri, cards, dumb charade etc but never this one – Name one thing in your life that you could change.   It was expected to be a fun game where we were …

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The Cycle

Nina sat all dressed up, in clumsy makeup and low cut silver shiny blouse, on a bright magenta saree, her bright red lipstick, staining her teeth and bleeding on the corner of her mouth. Every evening, she was made to dress up like a slut and wait for a customer. What like a slut? She …

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Elementor #10921

Wearing pink just one day a year does not fulfil your commitment to fight homophobia, transphobia or any other form of bullying. This year April 13 is being celebrated as International Day of Pink (2SLGBTQIA+ awareness) and we invite you on this day, to pledge, reflect and commit to creating awareness about these issues in society which …

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कोरोना – तेरा शुकरिया

  कोरोना – तेरा शुकरिया             बहुत खोया, बहुत पाया;             जिन्दगी के इस सफर मे;             भीड़ में भी अपने को;             अकेला ही पाया ।             Scientist ने nuclear bomb बनाया;             NASA ने MARS तक पहुँचाया।             China ने कोरोना बनाया,             हमने, घर मे बैठ कर ही उसे;             अपने से …

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Mom, you never came for me

Mom, you never came for me Every day I waited for you Day, night and morning; Mom you never came for me And now you are in mourning. They snatched me from you When you were still nursing; To kill the Indian in me, But that was just the beginning. Used, abused and tortured Electrocuted, …

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बहुत याद आते है Daddy

रोज़ रोज़, कल आज और कल् । वो बचपन के सुन्हेरे दिन्, नहीं भूल सकती वो प्यारे पल ॥ Exam तो होते थे मेरे, पर शिकन आपके माथे पर थे । रात रात भर जाग कर्, चाय से आप होसला बड़ाते थे ॥ पास होती थी मे, खुशी से फूले न समाते ते आप् । …

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Happy Mother’s Day

एक और मदर’स डे है आयामैं हूँ या आप, सबने वीडियो से ही माँ को अपना प्यार जताया । वो माँ जिसने रातोँ को जाग जाग कर हमारा बुखार है भगाया; इतना प्यार, इतनी ममता से, दिया अपना प्यारा साया । हमेशा याद आती है माँ, जब होता मन उदास; वो तेरा प्यार से आशीर्वाद …

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