Book Reviews
A War Story You Would Fall In Love With! Review by Gyaneshwar Dayal. “The first casualty of war is innocence” goes the maxim. All wars fought on pretext or the other result in human misery. People kill people who they do not know, several die, even more, are wounded for life and many many more are left to suffer for their lifetime. War is horrendous. The horrors of war cannot be fully captured with mere words… Read More…
Review by Manjula Lal; Love in the Time of War A pilot goes missing somewhere over enemy territory during the 1971 war. For survival, he joins a band of nomads who steal for a living. Back in India, his wife waits endlessly for his return, firm in her belief that he is only Missing in Action. As the pilot makes vain attempts to cross the border multiple times for 28 years, his daughter, whose very existence he is unaware of, resolves to bring him home…. Read More…
Tehelka Review Checkout out book review by Tehelka is a prime Indian magazine with a ciruculation base of 100,000 units.
The detailed book review can be seen here: Read More….
Review from The Hindu Chronicle; By Hari Krishan 1971: A War Story is a powerful story which not only touches your heart but also your soul. The first casualty of war is innocence, so goes the maxim. All wars, fought on one pretext or the other, result in human misery. People kill people whom they do not know, several die, even more are wounded for life, and many more are left to suffer for their lifetime. War is horrendous. The horrors of war… Read More…
पितृदिवस पर कनाडा से “मनस्विनी” समूह के सभी सदस्यों के सहयोग से स्वरचित पंक्तियां न मेरी आंख ही फड़की
न ही हिचकियाँ आईं
मगर फिर भी यें लगता हैं
कि कोई याद करता हैं….
वो ओर कोई नहीं मेरे पापा… Read More…